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But does he social?                                                                               TLDR: SEE MY WORK  ︎  ︎  ︎  ︎  



I know exactly what you’re thinking... 

‘Oh no, Kervins is wasting his talents, not to mention a wisdom beyond his years, bottomless well of empathy and wisardly way with words on manipulating people into buying things they don’t need.’

Well, you’re not wrong.

Here’s the thing, I’ve found that in all too rare cases advertising can be a force for so much more than just selling bullpoop.

Every once in a while bullpoop can be molded (apologies for that visual) into a bullhorn that amplfies an idea more transformative than a product or service.

An ad that draws the line on a global issue by highlighting a moral double standard. watch it

An ad that makes heroes of people who deserve to be seen beyond the biases some hold about them. watch it

An ad that bridges understanding between humans from opposing worlds. watch it

These are the kinds of projects I’m grateful to play a part in bringing into the world.